Songs to Help Children in Hard Times
Three legendary CMN artists focus on the power of music to help children process challenging emotions and upsetting events. They share songs written especially for hard times and told powerful stories about making connections through music even in devastating circumstances.
Melanie DeMore: Music as Community Connector and Food for the Soul
Melanie DeMore is a multitalented singer, composer, performer, choral instructor, and “vocal activist,” and has been involved with a number of organizations and ongoing community actions over the last several years.
Bridge-building, Hope, and Resilience: Reggie Harris’s Searching for Solid Ground
In his book, Reggie Harris describes the powerful music he grew up with in his Black community—a community “that understood the nature of perseverance, that understood the nature of hope and working towards hope.”
Understanding Sensory Overload in Our Music Spaces
My son was my first introduction to sensory processing disorder (SPD), as most people with autism also have SPD. Educating myself about this phenomenon, I discovered not only how to help my son but also how to help many of my students who had unusual behavior. All this led me to understand more about the invisible barriers to learning that so many of our students grapple with.
Strawbitty Yops: Nurturing Young Hearts Through the Power of Children’s Music
As a children’s music performer, I aim to create a fun, engaging, and educational experience for young audiences. Children’s music is a powerful tool that can be used to inspire children, igniting their imaginations and fostering their love for music.
Becoming Mirror Makers
If you’ve spent much time around children’s writers, educators, and librarians, you may have heard us talking about mirror books. That’s not just because we’re all big Lewis Carroll fans. Some books, when viewed by the right person, in the right lighting conditions, and from the right angle, can reflect our own experiences back at us.
Read and Sing: An Annotated, Recommended Book List
I have always loved to read books to children and to sing with them. What could be better than putting the two together? Combining singing or music with the written word is so good for young brains and is so much fun!
In Memoriam: Patty Zeitlin
Throughout all the years I have composed and performed for young children, I have been fortunate to have been influenced and mentored by some brilliant songwriters. One of the most inspiring was my longtime friend, the author, playwright, songsmith, and early childhood icon, Patty Zeitlin.
In Memoriam: Uncle Ruthie Buell
Uncle Ruthie Buell and I were pals. We went out to movies and meals, cooked each other lunch, fed the ducks at the park, and most gloriously, exchanged songs at her piano. I sang one for every ten by her—she was hard to stop once she got going, and I did not want her to stop!
Music That Heals: An Interview With Stephen Wandu Bimo
Stephen Wandu Bimo is a musician, artist, student, activist, administrator, and powerful force for good in the lives of refugee children and families. His primary work with displaced people is in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda, where refugees escaping the conflict in South Sudan find shelter, food, and other resources.
Reflections on CMN’s DEI Process
In 2022, CMN began a process of reckoning with the need for greater attention to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the organization. Three members share their reflections on this groundbreaking process.
Yeast to Make the Bread Rise
Folklorists, moldy or not, are watchers; their passion is to observe what people actually do and say, and then to think about it. And they often get particularly interested in those things people do and say that have lasted a long time through many, many repetitions and perhaps become anonymous.
Land Acknowledgements and Beyond
Territory acknowledgement is a way that people insert an awareness of Indigenous presence and land rights in everyday life. All settlers, including recent arrivants, have a responsibility to consider what it means to acknowledge the history and legacy of colonialism.
A Place to Grow
I wasn’t so much drawn to the Children’s Music Network as I was born into it. I know that music has a powerful positive effect on the lives of children because I’ve watched my father bring joy to children and families at his shows for my entire life.
Strengthening K’é: An Interview With Radmilla Cody
Radmilla Cody is an award-winning international performer, activist, and advocate of Diné/Navajo and Nahiłií/African American descent. A former Miss Navajo Nation, Radmilla is passionate about her activism, including bringing awareness to teen dating violence and strengthening k’é/kinship with all oppressed relatives.
Had to Stand Up: Using Song to Teach Social Justice
Julie Be and Mara Sapon-Shevin share the story of their collaboration on the discussion guide for “Had to Stand Up” and how they have applied it to their work with children.
Kaleidoscope of Melodies: The CMN 2022 Annual International Conference
“Reflecting on this year’s theme, I get excited about the beautiful kaleidoscope of colors we will bring to our Annual Conference this September—each of our own unique gifts merging together to form something beautiful.”
Changing the Grammys, Making History
For the first time, all five nominated acts for the 2022 Grammy Award for Best Children’s Music Album are led or co-led by artists of color. This was not an accident.
Let’s Write Universal Suffrage Songs With Children
It’s clear that being disenfranchised is harmful to individuals and groups, so after four years of reading deeply and widely, I believe that age need not and must not be a disqualifier.
Amplifying Black Voices in the Classroom
“It’s late but it’s not too late.” That is what I found myself saying when I was leading the last day of Zoom assembly for my school this past spring. We had decided to celebrate Juneteenth. A student asked a great question: “Why did they wait until now to make Juneteenth a federal holiday?”
Thinking Like a Business: Creating Your Business Plan
“I just don’t have a business mind.” Why is it a common refrain for folks like us at CMN to feel they don’t have the right mind for business? I’m here to tell you: You do.
Black to the Future With Pierce Freelon
What inspires me the most about Pierce is that in every aspect of his work, he looks toward the future and works toward building positive spaces for all kids, especially creative Black youth. Yet he is also so clearly inspired by his own roots: his ancestors, his history, and his community.
Third-Grade Advocacy Songwriting? Yes We Can!
The school listened while many children of color expressed their discomfort with some of the high school curriculum and literature choices and described a lack of responsiveness and sensitivity they perceive from some faculty and peers.
2021 PIO! Scholars Award
The Pass It On! Scholars Award is given each fall to a high school senior, university, or college student. This year we selected two winners out of our talented pool of applicants.
Being Apart, Singing Together
We have recently passed the first anniversary of the pandemic shutdown. At the time, we really thought we’d be back on track in a few weeks, but then the days started to accumulate.
Archive Alive
What happens to my music if I am no longer here to sing it? It’s a question for children’s musicians of all ages.
Making Friends With the Elephant in the Room, Part II
One thing I have learned is that educators (myself included) fall prey to many “multicultural” songs and stories that are attributed to a long-ago tribe or ancient storyteller. The intention is good, but the impact may not be helpful.
Where Does Music Reside in the Brain?
As educators and performers, we know that music is a special activity that uniquely connects language, movement, physical senses, emotions, and memory. Each of these functions is centered in different areas of the brain.
The Measure of Success
At the end of each year, I take an account of my own accomplishments. Before I examined it more closely, I felt 2020 had been a complete disaster.
Candles, Salsa, and Song: Sharing Music in Kenosha
What would it be like in our classrooms if we encouraged children to keep developing their innate songwriting ability, just as we encourage other forms of writing?
Making Friends With the Elephant in the Room, Part 1
My graduate school professor casually mentioned that “Five Little Monkeys” and “Miss Mary Mack” were among many children’s songs and rhymes with a racist background. At first, I thought I had misheard her.
Grieving Together in These Times
How can we acknowledge and care for these members of our community in an appropriate way during a time of such personal loss? I have been asking myself questions about grief all summer.
Everything’s a Song: A Conversation With Lea Morris
Lea and I spoke via Zoom (how else?) about the ingenuity and creativity that arises in this time of restriction, about kids and their gifts, and the intertwining of music and spirituality.
Radio Active Life
When I began producing my kids’ music radio show, Radio Active Kids, four years ago, I had no idea quite what I was getting into. I knew that kids’ music had made a positive impact on my life and that I wanted to share that positivity with others.
Because of Fred Rogers
It still hurts to think about Fred Rogers. It’s been seventeen years since his passing, and the thought of him still brings tears to my eyes.
Music in the Time of Corona
As waves of school closings and concert cancellations swept the nation this past March, the CMN member listserv lit up with urgent questions about What to Do. Of course, the community responded by discovering ways to exploit technology and ingenuity so they could temporarily replace the irreplaceable experience of live music making.
Publishing Your Picture Book
Like many educators and artists, I’ve had a few ideas for picture books kicking around in my head for years. I suppose it’s inevitable. This past fall I finally decided to make my long-ignored dreams of authorship a reality.
The Kindness of Sanctuary
We measure our lives through the people we encounter as we make our way. The friendships and personal connections we make are really what gives meaning to our lives.
Social Justice Music For Kids
When Pete Seeger was blacklisted in the 1950s, he was no longer allowed to perform in the kind of venues in which he and the Weavers had been appearing. He discovered a new network of places flying under the radar and brought his music to those schools, summer camps, church basements, synagogues, and more. In the process, he inadvertently created a new career path
Music That Makes Change
Social issues, such as gender identity and racism, are influencing children’s music. This article is about creative ways that two groups of performers address social issues to bring positive change to children’s lives, and to the lives of adults.
A Visit to the Musical Instrument Museum
In a world divided by ethnicity, religion, politics, and so much more, the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) in Phoenix is a strong reminder of the cultural ties that bind us.
In Memoriam: Sol Weber
Longtime CMN member and beloved friend Sol Weber passed away on June 26, 2019, at the age of eighty-five. Sol was best known for his rounds collection, earning him the nickname “Roundman.”
Fall 2019
Music, Story, Activism: An Interview With Nancy Schimmel
Planting Seeds of Love in South Sudan
In Demand: Music Specialist for Children With Special Needs
Our Human Legacy: Enhancing Seven Generations
Singing New Stories
The Many Faces of Facebook Groups
Wonder and Surprise
Songwriting Geeks Love Critiques
Ah-Ha! Songs
Spring 2019
Make a Rainbow: Musicians of Color Reflect on the World of Children’s Music
Free Music Lessons: Building Community on the Streets
Finding Friends in Many Languages, Thanks to John Taylor
Resources For Renewal, Part III
Stay Awake: Reflections on the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Workshop
Open the Circle
Rituals and Rhythms, Part II
Making Your Audience Part of the Show
Cultivate Our Humanness
Fall 2018
Where Music Makes a Difference: An Interview With Kim and Reggie Harris
Walking Each Other Home: Threshold Choir
Doing the Hambone
An Interview With Dr. Tawnya Pettiford-Wates
Seeing Through Music, Part II
Technology Tips & Tricks
The Transition Train
Rituals and Rhythms, Part I
Bringing History to Life in Song
Spring 2018
Seeing Through Music: Songwriting at the Maryland School for the Blind
All Around This World
Music With Children Who Have Experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
I Love My Fluke
Ten Things I Love About You, Kulele
In Search of the Wild Ukulele
We Are All Connected
Passionate People Inspire Extraordinary Songs, Part II
Framing Our Songs
Fall 2017
Sally Rogers: No Time to Feel Hopeless
Make a Joyful Noise (More Quietly)
Pounding for Peace
Sharing a New Song
And Peace Runs Through It: From Peace Resources to the CMN Song Library
Resources for Renewal: Part II
Padlet Power
Culture Bearer
Ten Top Performing Tips
Passionate People Inspire Extraordinary Songs, Part I
Safe Spaces for the Audience, the Song, and the Performer
Spring 2017
A Musical Pilgrimage: Six Countries, Eight Months, and a Song
Medicine of Music: The Songs of Love Foundation
Everybody Wins! TAFFY PRESENTS Brings Song, and More, to Underserved Families
Resources for Renewal
The Gift of Your Honest Self: An Interview with Fred Rogers
Melanie DeMore: Music as Community Connector and Food for the Soul
Sock Talk!
The Social Media Monster
In Praise of Organization
Teaching Fourth and Fifth Grade Music, Part II
Rules for Breaking Rules
A Key to the Story Vault
Fall 2016
Culture, Connection, & the Magic of Music: An Interview With José-Luis Orozco
Creating Safe Musical Spaces, Part II: Building Inclusive Communities Through the Arts
Can You Stop the Birds From Singing?: The Afghan Children’s Songbook & the Power of Music
Choruses and Song Swaps: A Way to Bring Singing Into Our Communities
Walking the Talk: You Just Have to Have a Big Heart: An Interview With Judith Cook Tucker
Adventures in YouTubing
Music and Sounds From Around the World
Teaching Fourth and Fifth Grade Music
Advanced Zippering
Skin Color
Spring 2016
Building CMN: Preserving the History of the Early Years
An Interview with Frankie and Doug Quimby: The Georgia Sea Island Singers
Bedside Bridges: Earning My Bronx Cheer
Creating Safe Musical Spaces: Teaching and Performing for Integrated Audiences
Music and Inclusion: Building a Vision Through Song
Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice
An Interview With Lisa Yannucci
Building Bridges from School to Home
Hearts and Voices of the Pihcintu Chorus
Ten Lessons I Learned About Collaboration
How We Do What We Do
Fall 2015
A Conversation With Stuart Stotts
Resources for Teaching the Music of Native American Peoples
Sharing Our Strengths: The CMN Song Library
Brave New World: Twitter for Children's Musicians
Seeking Out the Real Roots
A Continuing Song: Notes on the Life of Ruth Crawford Seeger
An Interview With Katie Wardrobe
In Tune With Babies
Passing On the Love of Music
Strive to Surprise
Spring 2015
The Unseen Children's Music Side of an Award-Winning Career
Haunted House: A Guided Exploration
Multigenerational Music Making
Tapping Into Musical Power
Song > Lyric + Melody
Gun Control
Fall 2014
Sharing a Musical Vision of Humanity: An Interview with Ruth Pelham
In Memory of Faith Petric
Music—the Universal Language
Farewell and Best Wishes to Jan Graves
A World Class Boys Choir
The Most Amazing Musical Instruments
Break the Barrier
Living in Dynamic Mode