
Guidelines for Submission

Articles in this journal do not necessarily represent the views of the Children’s Music Network. Members are invited to send article and song submissions, but we cannot guarantee publication. Copyright ownership remains with the author, photographer, or other producer. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to sign a permission to publish form.


Pass It On! always needs stories from members about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. If you are a CMN member, you are invited to share your story. After all, that’s the whole point of CMN. We ask that all articles:

  • address topics of interest to CMN members
  • in some way relate to CMN’s mission
  • be clear, concise, and reasonably well written

Articles should not promote a particular person, performing group, or product. Please tell us if your article has been submitted for publication elsewhere, or if it is a reprint. We welcome photos, graphics, and videos.

Got an idea to pitch? Need help developing a story? We’d love to hear from you!

Send all articles and queries to the PIO! Editor.

Submission Deadlines

Fall 2024 issue: July 15, 2024
Spring 2025 issue: January 13, 2025

Playlists and Songs

Pass It On! continues to share the songs of CMN members through our themed Spotify and YouTube playlists. Calls for submissions will go out on social media twice a year (roughly May and November), and we welcome you to contribute any songs and videos that fit the topic for each issue! We will highlight one song by presenting full lyrics and lead sheet, following PIO!’s long tradition as a place to share and learn songs from all over the world. Contact the Playlist Coordinator for more info.