People come in diff’rent sizes
Colors, shapes and names
Tho’ we're diff’rent on the outside
Inside I think we’re the same!
Sometimes happy, sometimes sad
Scared or silly, mean or mad
Feelings you have, I have too,
We’re not so diff’rent me and you.
I’ll bet you have ideas like me
Our brains are built the same, you see?
And if I understand you right,
We both love peaceful sleep at night
We love to laugh and play and run
And we would never start a war
We’re all afraid of bombs and guns
We know that one fight leads to more.
Our country says we must be ready
For a fight, no matter where
Even though that might be right,
It makes the other countries scared
It’s time to try a diff’rent way
Where fighting isn’t in the plan
We can be strong without our bombs
It’s time that all the bombs were banned
Kids like us live everywhere
Around the world, in ev’ry land
The words we speak are not the same
But Peace on Earth we understand
Chorus/ Chorus
Our songs for children about peace and justice, resolving conflicts, and celebrating our global family are more important than ever in these troubled times. These Peace Resources are intended to help us all move forward with hope and tools for song and action as we work together to build a healthier, more peaceful world.