Peace Songbook

Cows, Chickens and Pickles

By Lori Scherling

©2002 L. Scherling


Cows, chickens and pickles

can come together, you see

If they can all be friends

so can you and me


Cows say “moo” and are black, white or tan

Chickens “cluck” and can be fried in a pan

Pickles don’t speak because they don’t have mouths

Yet they’re still friends somehow


When they play together, they’re nice and have fun

They say “I’m sorry” if they hurt someone

They’re kind, respectful and always say please

They get band-aids for friends with skinned knees


Cows, chickens and pickles

can come together, you see

If they can all be friends

so can you and me


Cows don’t look like chickens

Chickens don’t look like cows

Pickles don’t look like either

But they’re still good pals


Cows, chickens and pickles

can come together, you see

If they can all be friends

so can you and me

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