Walk lightly on the earth, my friend,
Walk lightly on the earth,
Take care with every step, my friend
Walk lightly on the earth
People can do wondrous things
With dreams that touch the skies
Symphonies, discoveries, enriching all our lives
Yet people can’t bring back the animals that are gone
There’s a fragile balance to maintain
And as we do, let us
Habitats are vanishing, endangering the lives
Of the humpback whale, the chimpanzee, the eagle souring high
So the children of our children can know the wonders of these
In our work and in our play, let’s all remember to
Final Tag: Let us
Walk lightly on the earth, my friend,
Walk lightly on the earth,
With carbon footprints light as air,
Walk lightly on the earth
CMN's Environmental Songbook is a compilation of songs that promote respect and responsibility for the environment. You'll find these songs inspiring, fun and educational not just for children, but for the musicians, teachers and other adults who sing with them.