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Songs | Fall 2016
J’Aime La Galette (I Like Cake)
Traditional children’s song from France
Val Smalkin writes, “When the theme ‘Music Without Borders’ was announced, I naturally thought of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), founded in France, which led to thinking of my French-speaking grandchildren and the song they sang about 649 times over the Christmas holidays in Brussels, ‘J’Aime la Galette.’ This traditional song is sung in French homes and schools on Le Jour des Rois, or as we know it, Epiphany. In the cake is a small statue of a king (large enough not to be swallowed, we hope). The child lucky enough to get that piece of cake is the king for the day. You can find recipes for galette all over the Internet!
“Here, for your enjoyment, are my grandsons singing their favorite song. You can also watch a video version.”