Eight Keys to a better me
Courage, Feelings, Self Worth and Honesty
Responsibility and Kindness too!
Add Respect and Patriotism for a better me and you
To meet danger without fear
To show emotion and understand my friends sincere
Self Worth:
I'll find the good within myself
To be truthful, fair and upright
(Repeat Chorus)
Have a sense of duty, get my work in on time
Be friendly, Do good rather than harm
I'll show honor to my parents, teachers and friends
Show love and support of my country
(Repeat Chorus 2x)
Our songs for children about peace and justice, resolving conflicts, and celebrating our global family are more important than ever in these troubled times. These Peace Resources are intended to help us all move forward with hope and tools for song and action as we work together to build a healthier, more peaceful world.