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Songs | Spring 2017
We Will Go High
Words and music by Galen R. Brandt
© 2016 Galen R. Brandt
This song was conceived and written in its entirety at the 2016 CMN Conference in Los Gatos, California, inspired by Michelle Obama’s October 13 speech. Galen writes, “With Michelle Obama’s line ringing in my head and heart—‘When they go low, we go high’—I woke early and, before I’d even gotten out of bed, wrote this song as a call for all of us to join together and lift each other up, speak our hearts, and be truthful while building bridges. To use our wit, warmth, and wisdom in the service of peace, justice, and compassion—exactly what CMN does in every classroom, on every stage, in every workshop, every single day. That afternoon I went to the activist workshop led by Sarah Pirtle and Bonnie Lockhart and offered this song for the first time to them, and now to you—because together, I truly do believe we will bring light to the darkness, now and in the years to come…and yes, together, as a world community of like-minded hearts, we will go high.
“The YouTube and MP3 recording of the song are in the key of A, which may be too low for many singers. Val Smalkin graciously notated the song and raised it to the key of C. Please feel free to adapt the lyrics so they work best for you.”