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Songs | Fall 2015
Open the Circle
Words and music by Frank Hernandez and Ted Warmbrand
© 2006 Frank Hernandez and Ted Warmbrand
“Open the Circle” was written by Frank Hernandez and Ted Warmbrand to celebrate the tenth year of Arts For All Summer Arts Camp, a camp in Tucson, Arizona, that Frank helped start. Frank writes, "We wanted to write a fun signature song that all campers could sing at our opening circle. Opening circle is a time when all campers come together to sing and hear announcements. ‘Open the Circle’ became an instant hit and was recorded by campers as a round. The song has been translated into Spanish, Italian, French, German, Chinese, and American Sign Language. ‘Open the Circle’ has been also used as an opener at CMN national conferences.
“In 2009, at the New York metro regional meeting in Beacon, New York, Pete Seeger wrote it up himself on a BIG pad of paper with magic marker, words and music on a staff so everyone could see and learn it. And then he plunked along on the banjo while everyone sang it.”