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Songs | Fall 2018

Soften My Heart

“Soften My Heart” is another of Kate Munger’s original songs written for the Threshold Choir.

Kate Munger and Melanie DeMore have known each other for quite some time and we invited each to tell us how they met. Please look at Melanie’s song “Sending You Light” to learn Kate’s version of how she met Melanie.

From Melanie:

“Kateala (my love name for her) and I met in 2004 at a singing retreat. I loved her energy immediately: great song leading and willingness to be silly (I believe costumes were involved).

“My first experience of the Threshold Choir was when a couple of the singers came to visit my friend Judy. I had sung at her wedding in November, she was diagnosed with cancer during the holidays, and died in the spring. The singers were telling us about the next song they were going to do called ‘Sending You Light,’ written by Melanie DeMore. Well, Judy started laughing and I’m sitting there just grinning. ‘Why are you laughing?’ I asked. Judy said, ‘Beause this is Melanie.’ We all got tickled.

“I watched how the music bathed my friend in such love and comfort, and I thought: What kind of a soul creates something as precious as the Threshold Choir? Kate—a calm, loving presence who is not afraid of the tender things, the prickly parts of life and death. She has created a web of comfort through song that makes a place not only for those who are sung to, but for the singers themselves, a community of folks who care about each other and are deeply committed to the service that is the Threshold Choir.”

To learn more about Threshold, please contact

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