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Songs | Fall 2018

Sending You Light

The fabulous work of the Threshold Choir never fails to move and inspire. Threshold founder Kate Munger and singer, composer, and vocal activist Melanie DeMore have known each other for some time, and we invited each to tell us how they met. Kate’s remembrance follows here; Melanie’s memories are printed with Kate’s “Soften My Heart.”

From Kate Munger:

“Melanie and I met when we co-presented at a wonderful Singing Solstice weekend in 2004. We noticed each other, and I remember feeling great awe. Then we raided the costume attic of the retreat center. She put on silly choir robes and a football helmet. Since I was at that moment dressed as a chicken, I could see we had a great future.

“We started inviting each other to join local community singing events. Then I invited her to join two other colleagues at the Lama Foundation’s annual Women Singing in Circle, a week of great singing in a sacred place near Taos, New Mexico. From there, it has been THE MOST JOYFUL and FRUITFUL FRIENDSHIP of my life; we are somehow able to delight completely in each other’s successes, share opportunities whenever they occur, be each other’s best cheering section, co-produce each other’s recording projects, and give and receive the best honest feedback and guidance.

“Although no one actually tells Melanie what to do, I did insist once that she call the company that was just starting to make tailored suits for Butch women. While she was already perfect in my eyes, the addition of beautiful suits to Melanie’s charisma, style of beauty, and life splash make her forever indebted to me, I remind her.

“Melanie is the strongest advocate for the Threshold Choir on the planet; wherever she goes, she tells people about our work, sings our songs, and draws singers to us who have enriched our mission. We sang together on the street when Nelson Mandela died, when Pete Seeger died, and we shared a deep friendship with Ronnie Gilbert in her last years. Singing is vital to our lives and we are devoted to each other.”

Watch Melanie singing this tender song.

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