Faces to Know
Conference Committees
The CMN Conference provides countless opportunities for networking, socializing, professional development, and sheer joy. And it doesn’t plan itself. A dedicated team of volunteers works year-round to make each conference successful and special.
Thanks to all the folks who are contributing their time and talents to this year’s conference!
Joanie Calem /
Conference Co-Chair
Lisa Heintz /
Conference Co-Chair,
Regional Coordinator
Jane Arsham /
Registration & Administrative Director
Carole Stephens /
Workshop Co-Chair
Marci Bernstein /
Workshop Co-Chair
Tina Stone /
Round Robin Co-Chair,
Newcomers Circle (Fri)
Tom Pease /
Round Robin Co-Chair
Kayte Deioma /
Sarah Goslee Reed /
Sales Table
Susan Picking /
Sales Table
Anna Stange /
Silent Auction
Liz Benjamin /
Silent Auction,
Newcomers Circle (Sat)
Deborah Van Kleef /
Glad Rags
Dorothy Cresswell /
Buddy Coordinator