We will build this house with the strength of our arms,
With the love of our neighbors we will build this house.
We will build this house as a shelter from all harm,
With the open door of justice, we will build this house.
A house of warmth, a house just right,
A house to keep away the darkest night.
A house of hope, a house of peace,
A house where all within may safely sleep. CHORUS
A house that's built to remind us all
Of our connections, whether great or small.
A house of dignity, a house without shame,
A house with walls bearing all our names. CHORUS:
It seems so simple, it seems so sweet:
A roof above you, enough food to eat.
In this richest nation on this world of cares
If we've enough, then we've enough to share. CHORUS
Our songs for children about peace and justice, resolving conflicts, and celebrating our global family are more important than ever in these troubled times. These Peace Resources are intended to help us all move forward with hope and tools for song and action as we work together to build a healthier, more peaceful world.