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Songs | Fall 2014
The Slip
words and music by Valerie Leonhart Smalkin
© 2014 Valerie Leonhart Smalkin
The CMN Internet forum is a fabulous resource! Recently a member posted this query: “I’ve got a very active young after school chorus. They are very antsy at the end of their school day, and I’d like some short activities/games/songs with a lot of movement—but no running—to use as a way to get their sillies out before we settle down to sing.” Among the many great responses was this original song from Valerie, who has been using “The Slip” for thirty years or so with choirs, classes, kids. She cautions: “I always say ‘No fingers in the mouth’ for the funny faces.” The basic slip move is a backwards hula, or a two-handed digging motion.