
Winter 2021 Issue #92

All Are Welcome Here

  • Candles, Salsa, and Song: Sharing Music in Kenosha

    It matters that we encourage singing and songwriting expression. When our voice is stopped, it has big ramifications for whether we feel we have a place in the world. What would it be like in our classrooms if we encouraged children to keep developing their innate songwriting ability, just as we encourage other forms of writing?

  • Making Friends With the Elephant in the Room, Part 1

    My graduate school professor casually mentioned that “Five Little Monkeys” and “Miss Mary Mack” were among many children’s songs and rhymes with a racist background. At first, I thought I had misheard her.

  • Grieving Together in These Times

    How can we acknowledge and care for these members of our community in an appropriate way during a time of such personal loss? I have been asking myself questions about grief all summer.

  • It’s You I Like

    Fred Rogers speaks to me as he has spoken to my daughters and as he speaks to millions of children in homes and day care centers each morning, and with the same effect.

  • Just One Step

    This little zipper song from Ted Warmbrand says so very much in so few words.

  • I Love All of Me

    “This song was birthed out of my wanting children to see the beauty in themselves as a whole. As you share it, it warms my heart to know that my music of love is being spread.”

  • No More Us and Them

    “The lyrics are not only a plea for the kids to work together, but also a challenge to myself to be more connected to the other and less self-centered.”