By Barb Tilsen
in Make a Circle Like the Sun by Barb Tilsen
©2000 Barbara Tilsen BMI
"Make a Circle Like the Sun" is a song that encourages children to join hands with their neighbors and dance in a circle--the never-ending shape that, like friendship, love, joy and kindness, has no beginning and no end!
Make a circle like the sun
Holding hands everyone
Make a circle like the sun
Circle like the sun
Dance a circle like the moon
Round and round, sing this tune
Dance a circle like the moon
Circle like the moon
Make a circle filled with friends
Every circle has no end
Make a circle filled with friends
Circle filled with friends
Dance a circle ‘round the world
Each and every boy and girl
Dance a circle ‘round the world
Circle ‘round the world
Make a circle like the sun
Holding hands everyone
Make a circle like the sun
Circle like the sun
Verse 1: children hold hands and form a circle
Verse 2: children dance in one big circle to the left
Verse 3: holding hands children take small steps towards the middle so circle is small
Verse 4: children step back out and dance to the right in the big circle
Verse 5: children dance to the left in one big circle
Our songs for children about peace and justice, resolving conflicts, and celebrating our global family are more important than ever in these troubled times. These Peace Resources are intended to help us all move forward with hope and tools for song and action as we work together to build a healthier, more peaceful world.
Find songs about:
AntiBias, Bullying, Compassion, Conflict Resolution, Fear, Global Family, Grief, Justice, NonViolence, Other, Patriotic, Peace
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All songs posted in the CMN Song Library are protected by copyright and are provided by the generosity of the owner/artist. You may perform
songs you find here in classrooms and camps without the copyright owner’s permission. For all other performances, you must first obtain a
performance license through BMI, SESAC or ASCAP or obtain the copyright owner’s express prior written permission.