Peace Songbook

Make a Circle Like the Sun

By Barb Tilsen

in Make a Circle Like the Sun by Barb Tilsen

©2000 Barbara Tilsen BMI

"Make a Circle Like the Sun" is a song that encourages children to join hands with their neighbors and dance in a circle--the never-ending shape that, like friendship, love, joy and kindness, has no beginning and no end!


Make a circle like the sun

Holding hands everyone

Make a circle like the sun

Circle like the sun


Dance a circle like the moon

Round and round, sing this tune

Dance a circle like the moon

Circle like the moon


Make a circle filled with friends

Every circle has no end

Make a circle filled with friends

Circle filled with friends


Dance a circle ‘round the world

Each and every boy and girl

Dance a circle ‘round the world

Circle ‘round the world


Make a circle like the sun

Holding hands everyone

Make a circle like the sun

Circle like the sun




Verse 1: children hold hands and form a circle

Verse 2: children dance in one big circle to the left

Verse 3: holding hands children take small steps towards the middle so circle is small

Verse 4:  children step back out and dance to the right in the big circle

Verse 5: children dance to the left in one big circle

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