Peace Songbook

Boys & Girls

Music by Scott Connatser, lyrics by Crystal Yexley

©2017 Scott Connatser

Boys & Girls is song about how we can all be different and/or the same as others. Either way, let's all be friends.


Boys and Girls


Verse 1

Let’s talk about boys

They can be strong and tough

Planes, trains, and cars they like

Games and stuff

That’s boys


Verse 2

Let’s talk about girls

They can be sugary sweet

Dogs and cats, tv shows

And lots of movies

That’s girls



Boys and girls

Boys and girls

Let’s all be friends

Cuz we’re boys and girls



Song Structure

Verse 1

Verse 2


Verse 2

Verse 1

Chorus x2


Holding hands with your neighbor and swaying during the chorus

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