Environmental Songbook

Recycle, Reuse, Rebuild

By Valerie Leonhart Smalkin



Recycle, recycle, rebuild, reuse,

Recycle, recycle, rebuild, reuse,

Recycle, recycle, rebuild, reuse,

Recycle, recycle, rebuild, reuse.


When I was a little girl, and I wanted a drink.

It came in a bottle, that we washed in the sink.

The we returned it, right to the store,

Where they refilled it, to sell some more...and we did




A container full of beans make a cabasa sound,

When you shake it, shake it up and down,

A cardboard box, with some rubber bands,

Makes a hard...for the band.


A piece of pipe can be your trumpet when

You Pffffffttt in the open end,

And don't forget that you can make a drum,

Anywhere with your thumbs!




A piece of pipe can be your trum-pet when you Pfff-ffft! in the o-pen end. don't for-get that you can make a drum a-ny-where with your thumbs! Re-cy-cle, Re-cy-cle, Re-use, Re-build. Re-cy-cle, Re-cy-cle Re-use, Re-build. Re-use, Re-build.

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