

Kate Munger

Kate Munger has been passionate about community singing since she was eight years old at Girl Scout Camp. She has led community singing for more than forty years. In 2000, she founded the first of now more than 200 Threshold Choirs around the world. Today at age sixty-eight-and-a-half, she is retired and has returned to her passion of singing at the bedsides of people who are dying, in coma, and with folks who are incarcerated. She lives and swims along the shores of Tomales Bay in Northern California.

She is a popular speaker among palliative care and prison reform professionals at conferences and is a gracious, skillful musical host and choral director whose joy is reminding us that we are singing beings, bringing community singing back to “the community.” Kate knows that this work is deep and serious, and she offers a fresh, lively, sometimes irreverent, always relevant perspective.